Faith is not a feeling

Faith is not a feeling. It can’t be captured in a moment. It’s something you either have or don’t have. You either have a relationship with Christ or you do not. He places a root inside of you to battle any circumstance. That my friend is faith. It’s not goosebumps from a song, nor is it a voice like you hear when you talk to someone. In fact if you think God speaking to you in such a manner; I would test it with scripture before believing it’s message. That does not mean He does not speak that way, it only means don’t rely on that to always be the case, otherwise you might think God has abandoned you. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Bible paraphrase) If you rely on feelings rather than the faith God has instilled in you, your relationship with Him will wither. Faith is all about trust, He wants you to fall into His arms, He’s awaiting to catch you, to love you with all His heart.                   


Anonymous said…
So well put Matthew -- this is exactly what the Word of God says and what I have always tried to teach you since you were at my knee. I am so very proud of the man you have become!

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