The court room
The courtroom
Creation moans, as the earth dies. The graves are on trial, and life’s purpose is the jury. The judge is God and the prosecutor is satan. A young man with sweat pouring from his brow sips some water and sits in the defendants chair.
God points at the defendant and calls him to the witness stand. The books are opened, and court comes to order. Satan comes to question the man, “Have you not lied to get yourself out of trouble,or have you not preached one thing to others and yet not walked the walk?” The man speechless could not deny. “On these grounds I declare this man guilty of hell, for Your Word declares, if a person breaks even one commandment you’ve broken them all. The wages of sin is death, this man must pay for his wages. He slacked in attending church, and did not spread Your message.”
“Order, I must have order in my court, sit down satan. Let me question the man. First of all the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ My anointed one.” And so He asked the man, “How close to Me do you consider yourself to be?” The man sat up, looked into those calming but righteous eyes and said, “I know who You are for I have walked and talked with You long enough that I can tell others of the nature of who You are. Plus You have reached down when I have been hurting and have sung me sweet lullabies till I am asleep in Your arms. “One more question what have you done for the least of these?”
“I have been merciful to those who have been in need who have walked my way.” “Come into my Kingdom my Son,” and the courtroom disappears and I am in the presence of Glory. The Lord told me I past the test, for there are only two prerequisites to heaven, To love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, (relationship). And to love your neighbor as yourself, (which is the least of these.) To do the first commandment all you have to do is first receive His gift of grace, and then apply it by growing in Him. Then you must strengthen that relationship by repenting when you slip up. It is like with any good friend you will have pitfalls, but the question is will you get back up, still be friends even after the altercation.