Are you in a lions den

Are you in a lions den

Does the enemy have you ensnared? Does a strong hold have a hold on you and won’t let you go? Are you sleeping with the lions as they torment you? Does God have them on a leash, and is their bark keeping you from your calling in life. You’ve veered off the narrow and tasted of the world’s passions, you can feel the darkness all around you. You wonder where has your spark gone. Are you trying so hard not to make the same mistake that you end up making things worse for yourself? They call that burn out. And when you are too tired to pray, that is when the enemy breaks free of his leash, seeing your weakness, he attacks. 

Be on your guard brothers and sisters. You are living in a time where the world is a den of lions. And satan owns that world. “Don’t be of that world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Bible paraphrase) Let the Holy Spirit guide you when you are dealing with conflict, “For we wage war not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of the dark side.” (Bible paraphrase) Each of us has a different aspect in our lives that the enemy attacks us with. And if he can get us to focus on continuing to make the same mistake, by only being sorry for it, that is not true repentance, that my friend is a strong hold. So I ask you are you the lions den today? Are the lions growling at you? Or are they on a leash held by God and put to sleep, like when Daniel was put there because he was faithful to the Lord. What is your reason for being there? Did you put yourself there because of sin, or are you there because of your faith?             


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