Emptiness, we all feel it
Emptiness, we all feel it
Emptiness, it’s a feeling we all feel, that none of us want to experience, yet we all go through it at one point in our lives. Whether it be a loss of a loved one, or simply out of loneliness. When we feel this way we disregard the thoughts and feelings of others, choosing our own crutch to lean on.It shows we have insecurities, and a lack of self worth. If you can’t love yourself, you can’t love others. And so people are detracted away from those type of person’s. Because they don’ t want to get hurt or let down.
As one who has been in the position of one who is a loner and a extrovert I would like to stand up for the loner crowd. Just because we are reserved and hang in the background does not mean we are a negative influence. We’ve been burned and we prefer to be cautious before entering into a relationship telling our whole life story. Our past may scare others away, and so we disappear into the background.
I am one that both wears my emotions on my sleeve and is a loner at the same time. For my family was odd. My mother was extrovert and my dad was introvert, so I am both. I am both insecure and want to become independent at the same time.
People don’t like me much because I hate conflict and refuse to chose sides. I want to please everyone. I just don’t like seeing people argue. When I was in school I was alienated from my peers because I did not fit into any clich. No group wanted me, and so I walked the halls alone. I felt extreme emptiness. No one understood my pain, or my issues, that was accept God. Even though I ran far away from Him, He stayed right by my side. He’s been my everlasting comfort; when no one else understood. Even my family at times did not understand. Here I am a 36 year old man and I still sometimes think like a child, and wish I could go back in time and and relive some of my years over to put things right, and to chose some different choices that I had made. For I chose some foolish mistakes that I really regret making. If you are reading this and you are young, remember you have your whole life ahead of you, don’t let time slip by. Let every minute count. Make the best of what you have you only live this life once, and in the next, God determines your gifts by your deeds done on this earth. So be wise, and be prudent about your decisions, don’t just live for your glory. Live for God and store up treasure in heaven. Be kind to the least of these.
Next time you see someone hiding in the back of the room, lonely and alone. Invite them over for a talk, chat with them, and get to know who they are. Put yourself out there. Just maybe you might make a friend. Not everyone who is a loner or has a mental health disorder is a bad influence.