Heavy metal expose

Heavy metal expose


I was a troubled young boy. About 7 or 8 or so, there was a disturbance in my life that satan used to traumatize me. This was the beginning of a life of becoming a bitter and angry young man. My parents fought a lot and one day in particular it began to escalate, it was then I became frightened, went upstairs to search the radio for what would be my coping mechanism for the next two decades. At first the tones of the metal music which I heard turned me off, but soon I was to become enthralled with it, for it’s poisonous venom would have me back for more. It was like an insect bite, you scratch to soothe the pain then the infected area gets swollen, and creates more itching, thus spreading the venom of the insect. So yes the metal music did help in a way yet it caused more suffering in the long run and instilled a pain deep inside that only Christ could heal. 
Being given the gift of discernment of spirits, I had visions from God warning me to stay away from that music genera, but I did not heed His gentle coaxing . I became angry and resentful, and His warnings became more scary and realistic. The more I resisted, the tighter the reigns became on my life. I started noticing my life becoming meaningless as well as I became depressed.
The Lord will put stumbling blocks in your way if you are trying to go your own way. Until you acknowledge Him as Lord He will let you hit rock bottom and humble you. Once you fully give over the wheel of your life, He is free to do great and mighty things with your life.

People today worship their favorite musicians. They are called pop/rock stars, funny how Lucifer was called the bright and morning star? He was the worship leader in heaven. When he fell, he took music and twisted it for his gain so others would worship themselves, thus giving him glory instead of God. This is idolatry. 
Some may think that worshiping God is boring, or puts one to sleep. It used to do the same with me. I had the idea that if it did not give me pleasure or enjoy it, that it was not worth exploring. But the Holy Spirit had a different plan for me. The Bible says, “He will give you the desires of your heart!” Many will take that out of context to mean that we will get everything we ask for. Not so, for it us that comes to Him as we are, but we must be willing to be transformed into His image, otherwise we really don’t want to know Him and our vow to Him is a fraud. For He is God, and we are the art, we must be teachable in His hands. It is then that He gives our desires and dreams, for they will be one in the same. At that point we will be totally whole and complete, and will desire nothing else but Him. Oh what ecstasy is that. 
I have felt that at different times within my Christian walk.  And when I do, it does not matter what is going on around me, even if I am having a bad day; I am elated because Jesus and I are on the same page. Then those hymns that used to put you to sleep will fill you with peace, and God will meet you right where you are. Instead of tears of sadness, you will be weeping from immense joy in your heart. 

What started to soften my heart was going to church and being around the body of Christ. I don’t know why but I felt a different presence there. It was like the darkness could not abide in me when I was there. As the tears were shed, I was able to forgive those who had wronged me. I learned that satisfaction does not come from a song, but from the one you are singing it to. All those other demonic bands will offer you is condemnation, frustration, pity, and self loathing, not to mention suicidal ideations. These characteristics are not the Father’s will for you. He wants to love you with all His heart!

I still struggle with these inner qualms to listen to this music, because I keep rehashing my past, due to my diagnosis of post traumatic stress and depression. The voices I hear from my Schizophrenia and Bipolar tell me it’s ok to listen to it and that it helps to drown out the voices. It may do that temporarily but it leaves a black hole deep inside me wandering why I even exist. Why should I or any one of you listen to those voices when you can be comforted by the Holy Spirit who loves you. Don’t sit there and let your voices win out, be ye comforted.

 I have been where you’ve walked, and I understand how hard it is to give up something like this. For I know this music is a go to for venting. But you have to understand that no matter how much venting you do, it will never take care of the root pain you are in. I should know because no matter how many times I have fallen into that trap of this bondage, I still felt empty. It is true, misery does love company. It is like sleeping with a snake and calling it a friend. There is a difference between venting and giving up your anger to the Lord. This is what forgiveness is all about. When you vent your anger the anger remains in heart, you just spew some of it up, but you have not gotten rid of its source. Giving up your anger to the Lord and forgiving others cannot be done when you are listening to hate filled music. 

So hang up your will and let God direct your life. You will be a more joyful person for it.                            


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