His family

His family

If you are broken, you are in the right place. If you feel like you are too damaged, then here is right where you need to be. Jesus is the Father of the fatherless, and takes care of the abandoned. Know this: he is not like your earthly father, you don’t have to earn His approval. You already have it. He is gentle and kind, He is there to teach His son’s how to become men when their father’s have not taught them how, and He is there to speak into the lives. He is there to share wisdom with His daughter’s, to protect them from the wrong type of men, and to tell her how precious she is in God’s eyes. 
If you are seeking approval from an abuser or a gang, you need to learn to become a God pleaser rather than a people pleaser. You can’t please everyone, there will come a day where you will have to disappoint someone to make what is a good decision for yourself. First off your abuser is just that an abuser. Just because they apologize does not make them your friend. There is a difference between remorse and true repentance. If you see no change in them, they obviously are not willingly to stop the abuse. So get out of the relationship! A gang is just a bigger version of an abuser, only this time it’s a family of abusers. They manipulate you into thinking they are your family so they take advantage of you to get you to do their biding. Yes they will do things for you, but that is all part of the package of their lies, only to get you hooked to do what they want. They do this so they can have someone to blame a crime on. In so doing they go free while you take the rap. Do you call that family, I don’t. They call it taking care of one’s own. That is their excuse, but I never see it happen where they do the same for the other person. 

God will never do that, in fact He took the rap for our crimes and and took our death penalty. So in a sense He went to death row for us, so we would not have to. If we come to Him we can escape our sentence and be adopted into His home where He will be the Father that you’ve always wanted.        


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